Moving Transactions to Another Batch

Use the information in this topic to learn how to move a transaction from one batch to another .

The Batch Profile Tabs give you the opportunity to change which batch a certain transaction is in. For example, if we wanted to move an Invoice into a different batch, we would first navigate to that Invoice's Profile Page.

To navigate to an invoice profile from the batch profile, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the Invoices tab in the child form section of the Batch Profile.
  2. Expand the invoices child form to view the list of invoices included in this batch.
  3. Click the Go to arrow next to the invoice you wish to move.

    This will open the Invoice Profile page.

  4. Click the Edit button located on the Invoice Profile.

    This will open the Edit - Invoice pop-up window.

  5. Expand the invoice batch drop-down menu and select the batch where you would like to move this transaction.
  6. Click the Save button to return to the Invoice Profile.